Commitment: Publication of court decisions on a unified database and creating of the retrieval system
Commitment Description: The court decisions' proactive availability is a significant component of and precondition for a transparent judicial system. Georgia is among those exceptions where the judicial branch of government is involved in implementing the Open Governance Action Plan. Under the 2016-2017 Action Plan of the Open Government Georgia, the Supreme Court of Georgia has developed accessibility rules for the common courts’ decisions, common standards for the elaboration of main directions and principles. After the approval of the rules, the introduction of the general rules for publishing decisions of the common courts has started, together with the necessary activities for improving special website - unified registry of court decisions –
Upon recommendations from the civil society and the initiative of the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), the 2018-2019 Action Plan of Open Government Georgia entails the publication of the court decisions on the unified database and ensuring their availability, which will support the transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of the judicial system. During the Action Plan implementation, the commitment was taken over from the Supreme Court of Georgia to the High Council of Justice of Georgia. Outcome: A unified database of court decisions has been created
Timeline: Start date - July 2018, End date - December 2019
OGP Thematic Areas: Transparency, Accountability, Innovation and Technology, Engagement
Lead Agency: High Council of Justice of Georgia
In Spring of 2019, the Supreme Court of Justice, the Department of Common Courts, and the Ministry of Finance of Georgia signed a memorandum of understanding, which envisaged developing a common database and search system for the court decisions.
As the original website for publishing court decisions ( was malfunctioning, it was decided to create a new platform –, currently operating in a test mode.
According to the Action Plan, during the reporting period, the decisions of the current year, of the years 2019 and 2018 by the courts of all three instances are published on the website and a retrieval system for a unified database is activated. The uploading of the archives to the website will start after the approval of the relevant legal act for redaction procedures. The website's full activation depends on different outside factors and is planned for the end of this year.
According to Georgian legislation, the documents published on the website are anonymized to protect personal information. The user can download the court decision in both print and text formats.
✓ Case Number
✓ Notice Publication Date/Period
✓ Name of the Specific Court
✓ Type of the Public Announcement
✓ Name of the party to/recipient of the Public Announcement
Apart from the parameters listed above, the system includes the notice period. Therefore, this module is fully functioning.
Apart from the parameters listed above, search results include additional information on the hearing room number and the parties to the case. Therefore, the court hearing module is fully functional.
According to the Secretariat’s assessment, the commitment is mostly implemented within the planned timeframe, as two milestones of the commitment are not fully implemented: the search module for the redacted court decisions and final documents is created, however, only for the current year, as well as for 2019 and 2018; webspace for litigant is operational, however only for the first instance court cases
Commitment Description: The court decisions' proactive availability is a significant component of and precondition for a transparent judicial system. Georgia is among those exceptions where the judicial branch of government is involved in implementing the Open Governance Action Plan. Under the 2016-2017 Action Plan of the Open Government Georgia, the Supreme Court of Georgia has developed accessibility rules for the common courts’ decisions, common standards for the elaboration of main directions and principles. After the approval of the rules, the introduction of the general rules for publishing decisions of the common courts has started, together with the necessary activities for improving special website - unified registry of court decisions –
Upon recommendations from the civil society and the initiative of the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), the 2018-2019 Action Plan of Open Government Georgia entails the publication of the court decisions on the unified database and ensuring their availability, which will support the transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of the judicial system. During the Action Plan implementation, the commitment was taken over from the Supreme Court of Georgia to the High Council of Justice of Georgia. Outcome: A unified database of court decisions has been created
Timeline: Start date - July 2018, End date - December 2019
OGP Thematic Areas: Transparency, Accountability, Innovation and Technology, Engagement
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Reporting Period:
2019, Annual
Lead Agency: High Council of Justice of Georgia
During the reporting period, starting from early 2019, in order to improve the transparency of the judicial system and availability of all types of court decisions on a unified platform, the development of a new website has started
Mostly implemented
In Spring of 2019, the Supreme Court of Justice, the Department of Common Courts, and the Ministry of Finance of Georgia signed a memorandum of understanding, which envisaged developing a common database and search system for the court decisions.
As the original website for publishing court decisions ( was malfunctioning, it was decided to create a new platform –, currently operating in a test mode.
According to the Action Plan, during the reporting period, the decisions of the current year, of the years 2019 and 2018 by the courts of all three instances are published on the website and a retrieval system for a unified database is activated. The uploading of the archives to the website will start after the approval of the relevant legal act for redaction procedures. The website's full activation depends on different outside factors and is planned for the end of this year.
According to Georgian legislation, the documents published on the website are anonymized to protect personal information. The user can download the court decision in both print and text formats.
- Judicial Acts (All three instances)
- Public Announcements (All three instances)
✓ Case Number
✓ Notice Publication Date/Period
✓ Name of the Specific Court
✓ Type of the Public Announcement
✓ Name of the party to/recipient of the Public Announcement
Apart from the parameters listed above, the system includes the notice period. Therefore, this module is fully functioning.
- Court Hearings (All three instances)
Apart from the parameters listed above, search results include additional information on the hearing room number and the parties to the case. Therefore, the court hearing module is fully functional.
- My Cabinet (First instance)
According to the Secretariat’s assessment, the commitment is mostly implemented within the planned timeframe, as two milestones of the commitment are not fully implemented: the search module for the redacted court decisions and final documents is created, however, only for the current year, as well as for 2019 and 2018; webspace for litigant is operational, however only for the first instance court cases
1. სასამართლო გადაწყვეტილებების ერთიანი ბაზისთვის საძიებო სისტემის ტექნიკური დავალების შემუშავება
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
სასამართლოს დაშტრიხული გადაწყვეტილებების და საბოლოო დოკუმენტების ძებნის საძიებო მოდული ამოქმედებულია
July 2018
December 2018
July 2018
December 2018
Partner Organization
საერთო სასამართლოები
Lead Agency
High Council of Justice of Georgia
შემუშავდა სასამართლო გადაწყვეტილებების ერთიანი ბაზისთვის საძიებო სისტემის ტექნიკური დავალება და 2019 წლის ივნისში სატესტო რეჟიმში ამოქმედდა ვებგვერდი
2. ერთიანი ბაზის საძიებო სისტემის შექმნა და დანერგვა
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
ერთიანი ბაზის საძიებო სისტემა შექმნილია და დანერგილია
December 2018
September 2019
December 2018
September 2019
Partner Organization
საერთო სასამართლოები
Lead Agency
High Council of Justice of Georgia
საანგარიშო პერიოდში ვებგვერდზე დაინერგა ერთიანი ბაზის საძიებო სისტემა.
3. სასამართლო გადაწყვეტილებების ერთიან ბაზაში გამოქვეყნება
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
სასამართლო გადაწყვეტილებები ერთიან ბაზაში გამოქვეყნებულია
September 2019
December 2019
September 2019
December 2019
Partner Organization
საერთო სასამართლოები
Lead Agency
High Council of Justice of Georgia
საანგარიშო პერიოდში ვებგვერდზე გამოქვეყნებულია სამივე ინსტანციის სასამართლოს მიერ მიმდინარე, 2019 და 2018 წლებში მიღებული გადაწყვეტილებები. საქართველოს კანონმდებლობის მიხედვით, ვებგვერდზე წარმოდგენილი დოკუმენტები დაშტრიხულია პერსონალური ინფორმაციის დაცვის უზრუნველსაყოფად. მომხმარებელს საშუალება აქვს სასამართლოს გადაწყვეტილება გადმოტვირთოს და იხილოს როგორც ბეჭდურ, ისე ტექსტურ ფორმატში.
4. (1) საჯარო შეტყობინებების (2) სასამართლოში საქმის შემომტანის ვებსივრცის და (3) ჩანიშნული სხდომების საძიებო მოდულის ამოქმედება
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
საჯარო შეტყობინებების გამოქვეყნების მოდული ამოქმედებულია; სასამართლოში საქმის შემომტანის ვებსივრცე ხელმისაწვდომია; ჩანიშნული სხდომების საძიებო მოდული ფუნქციონირებს.
September 2019
December 2019
September 2019
December 2019
Partner Organization
საერთო სასამართლოები
Lead Agency
High Council of Justice of Georgia
ვებსაიტზე ფუნქციონირებს საჯარო შეტყობინების, სასამართლოში საქმის შემომტანის ვებსივრცე და ჩანიშნული სხდომების საძიებო მოდული, თუმცა სასამართლოში საქმის შემომტანის ვებსივრცე მხოლოდ პირველი ინსტანციის ფარგლებში მოქმედებს.
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