Commitment: Increasing access to public services through introduction of UAS
Commitment Description: To increase the availability of public services, the openness of information, and simplification of access to it, OGP Georgia Action Plan for 2018-2019 envisions LEPL - Public Service Development Agency's commitment to introduce a Unified Authentication System (UAS) in the country.
Implementation of the above implies the existence of a reliable and protected system of online authentication which will enable any public (and in a long-term perspective to a private) agency with a wide choice of online personal identification tools. In addition, service-providing organizations will be able to direct their resources towards the development of services and spare the resources required for individual development and management of the identification systems.
The introduction of a UAS will significantly simplify citizens’ access to online services. They will be able to use the same information (username and password) during the authentication to receive services on all official web pages of public service-providing agencies. Thus, the citizens will receive the services remotely, in an online mode, which had only been possible through identification by a video call. As a result, the users will no longer have to register on several websites to receive the service, as the information required for their identification in all switched systems (be it public or private organization) will be automatically reflected. Outcome: A UAS is developed in the country
Timeline: Start date - June 2018, End date - December 2019
OGP Thematic Areas: Transparency, Access to Services, Accountability, Innovation and Technology
Lead Agency: LEPL - Public Service Development Agency
In the reporting period, to make it simple for the interested agencies to integrate a UAS into their business processes, consultations were held with service-providing agencies. As a result, the UAS was based on two internationally spread authentication standards – SAML and OATH, making it possible to conduct authentication through both username/password and ID card.
In the reporting period, Public Service Development Agency activated a UAS in a production mode. To test the system, it was integrated with the portal and a test Sharepoint (internal user portal and knowledge base system) system of the Agency. The Agency also integrated the UAS into remote services of the Agency, specifically, into the software of the electronic signature portal, which is launched in a pilot mode on the Agency web page. The above system enables citizens to upload the electronic documents that need to be signed on the web portal and to share them with others to sign or to view, to extend the term of short-term signatures up to “archive” formats and to check the authenticity of the signatures on the document.
According to the Action Plan, one of the most important milestones of the commitment is the preparation and initiation of legislative changes to provide the UAS to other agencies. Several factors caused the need to prepare the above legislative changes:
According to the Secretariat’s assessment, the commitment is partially implemented within the planned timeframe. A UAS was launched in the production mode and integrated with the Public Service Development Agency's Sharepoint system. However, no legislative changes have been prepared to provide the UAS to the other agencies. The system has not been integrated into the systems of other organizations.
Contact point: Ekaterine Mrulishvili - Head of Research and Projects Development Unit
Commitment Description: To increase the availability of public services, the openness of information, and simplification of access to it, OGP Georgia Action Plan for 2018-2019 envisions LEPL - Public Service Development Agency's commitment to introduce a Unified Authentication System (UAS) in the country.
Implementation of the above implies the existence of a reliable and protected system of online authentication which will enable any public (and in a long-term perspective to a private) agency with a wide choice of online personal identification tools. In addition, service-providing organizations will be able to direct their resources towards the development of services and spare the resources required for individual development and management of the identification systems.
The introduction of a UAS will significantly simplify citizens’ access to online services. They will be able to use the same information (username and password) during the authentication to receive services on all official web pages of public service-providing agencies. Thus, the citizens will receive the services remotely, in an online mode, which had only been possible through identification by a video call. As a result, the users will no longer have to register on several websites to receive the service, as the information required for their identification in all switched systems (be it public or private organization) will be automatically reflected. Outcome: A UAS is developed in the country
Timeline: Start date - June 2018, End date - December 2019
OGP Thematic Areas: Transparency, Access to Services, Accountability, Innovation and Technology
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Reporting Period:
2019, Annual
Lead Agency: LEPL - Public Service Development Agency
In the reporting period, in order to provide legal compliance of the Unified Authentication mechanism, Public Service Development Agency studied the European countries' practice, which included the translation of Regulation 910/2014/EC (eIDAS Regulation). The above implies harmonizing the legislation related to electronic identification and reliable services required for electronic transactions with the European Union standards.
In progress
Partially implemented
In the reporting period, to make it simple for the interested agencies to integrate a UAS into their business processes, consultations were held with service-providing agencies. As a result, the UAS was based on two internationally spread authentication standards – SAML and OATH, making it possible to conduct authentication through both username/password and ID card.
In the reporting period, Public Service Development Agency activated a UAS in a production mode. To test the system, it was integrated with the portal and a test Sharepoint (internal user portal and knowledge base system) system of the Agency. The Agency also integrated the UAS into remote services of the Agency, specifically, into the software of the electronic signature portal, which is launched in a pilot mode on the Agency web page. The above system enables citizens to upload the electronic documents that need to be signed on the web portal and to share them with others to sign or to view, to extend the term of short-term signatures up to “archive” formats and to check the authenticity of the signatures on the document.
According to the Action Plan, one of the most important milestones of the commitment is the preparation and initiation of legislative changes to provide the UAS to other agencies. Several factors caused the need to prepare the above legislative changes:
- Validation of authentication
- Drawing a line between the qualified electronic signature and the authentication
- Enabling compliance with eIDAS regulation.
According to the Secretariat’s assessment, the commitment is partially implemented within the planned timeframe. A UAS was launched in the production mode and integrated with the Public Service Development Agency's Sharepoint system. However, no legislative changes have been prepared to provide the UAS to the other agencies. The system has not been integrated into the systems of other organizations.
Contact point: Ekaterine Mrulishvili - Head of Research and Projects Development Unit
3.1 Launching the UAS in the operating mode and integration with the PSDA share-point or other system of nonpublic use
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
3.1 The UAS is launched in the operating mode and is integrated with the PSDA share-point system
June 2018
December 2018
June 2018
December 2018
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Development Agency
In the reporting period, Public Service Development Agency activated a UAS in a production mode. To test the system, it was integrated with the portal and a test Sharepoint (internal user portal and knowledge base system) system of the Agency.
3.2 The UAS integration into distant services of the PSDA
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
The UAS is integrated in the distance services of the agency
July 2018
December 2018
July 2018
December 2018
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Development Agency
The system is integrated only in the signature portal software of the Agency in the reporting period
3.3 Preparation and initiation of legislative amendments for delivery of the UAS to other agencies
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Legislative amendments have been prepared and initiated
June 2018
July 2019
June 2018
July 2019
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Development Agency
No legislative amendments have been prepared in the reporting period
3.4 The UAS integration into systems of other organizations
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
The USA has been integrated into: 1. Before the end of the first quarter of 2019, in the system of 1 organization at least (apart from the Agency itself). 2. Before the end of 2019, in the system of 10 organizations at least
December 2018
December 2019
December 2018
December 2019
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Development Agency
As of 31 December, 2019, the UAS is only integrated in the Public Service Development Agency system
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