Commitment: Innovative platform for citizen engagement
Commitment Description: In order to ensure public engagement in the introduction of new services, improvement of the existing ones, creation of new channels of service delivery and improvement of quality of services, the Action Plan envisions the Public Service Hall's commitment to create an innovative platform for citizen engagement. The above commitment continues the second commitment of the OGP Georgia Action Plan for 2014-2015 within which the mechanism of receiving feedback from consumers on the existing services, the so-called “Voice of Consumers” was introduced in the PSH.
The concept of the platform is based on the principles of accountability, openness and transparency. It provides citizen engagement in the decision-making process by introducing the following modules: electronic public opinion survey, electronic voting, electronic feedback, and electronic accounting system.
The commitment also aims to develop and introduce various electronic platforms (web-page application, mobile application and sensor monitors), which will contribute to the further improvement of the current feedback mechanisms of the PSH and reduce the response time for feedback. Outcome: Using simple, effective and different mechanisms, the general public is involved in service development and decision-making processes
Timeline: Start date - September 2018, End date - August 2019
OGP Thematic Areas: Transparency, Access to Services, Accountability, Innovation and Technology, Engagement
Lead Agency: LEPL - Public Service Hall
By the end of the Action Plan term, the content and the visual side of the software have been developed. Also, a contract has been signed and the procurement process is in progress. In 2020, it is planned to integrate the software into the PSH web page, which is compatible with any mobile device. Thus, the users will be able to provide feedback through the web page.
Within the Action Plan term, the lead agency has not procured any sensor monitors and necessary equipment, since without the software, the users would be unable to provide feedback. Therefore, according to the agency, sensor monitors' procurement would be useless at this point of implementation. For the same reason, the lead agency has not informed the general public about the platform and has not conducted relevant focus groups in the reporting period.
According to the Secretariat's assessment, the commitment is not implemented within the Action Plan’s timeline, since most of the milestones of the commitment are not implemented.
Contact point: Natalia Abashmadze - LEPL - Public Service Hall
Commitment Description: In order to ensure public engagement in the introduction of new services, improvement of the existing ones, creation of new channels of service delivery and improvement of quality of services, the Action Plan envisions the Public Service Hall's commitment to create an innovative platform for citizen engagement. The above commitment continues the second commitment of the OGP Georgia Action Plan for 2014-2015 within which the mechanism of receiving feedback from consumers on the existing services, the so-called “Voice of Consumers” was introduced in the PSH.
The concept of the platform is based on the principles of accountability, openness and transparency. It provides citizen engagement in the decision-making process by introducing the following modules: electronic public opinion survey, electronic voting, electronic feedback, and electronic accounting system.
The commitment also aims to develop and introduce various electronic platforms (web-page application, mobile application and sensor monitors), which will contribute to the further improvement of the current feedback mechanisms of the PSH and reduce the response time for feedback. Outcome: Using simple, effective and different mechanisms, the general public is involved in service development and decision-making processes
Timeline: Start date - September 2018, End date - August 2019
OGP Thematic Areas: Transparency, Access to Services, Accountability, Innovation and Technology, Engagement
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Reporting Period:
2019, Annual
Lead Agency: LEPL - Public Service Hall
In the reporting period for the development of software for the web-page app. and mobile app., the lead agency held consultations with blind people, people with reduced mobility, and the Association of the Deaf representatives to make the program adapted to the needs of PWDS to the best possible extent. Additionally, a significant part of the reporting period was dedicated to consultations with technical groups (software developers, technicians) to develop program description that would spare human resources to the maximum while being user-friendly.
In progress
Not implemented
By the end of the Action Plan term, the content and the visual side of the software have been developed. Also, a contract has been signed and the procurement process is in progress. In 2020, it is planned to integrate the software into the PSH web page, which is compatible with any mobile device. Thus, the users will be able to provide feedback through the web page.
Within the Action Plan term, the lead agency has not procured any sensor monitors and necessary equipment, since without the software, the users would be unable to provide feedback. Therefore, according to the agency, sensor monitors' procurement would be useless at this point of implementation. For the same reason, the lead agency has not informed the general public about the platform and has not conducted relevant focus groups in the reporting period.
According to the Secretariat's assessment, the commitment is not implemented within the Action Plan’s timeline, since most of the milestones of the commitment are not implemented.
Contact point: Natalia Abashmadze - LEPL - Public Service Hall
1. Development of software for the web-page and mobile application
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Software for the web page and mobile application has been developed
September 2018
February 2019
September 2018
February 2019
Partner Organization
Partner LEPLs operating under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Hall
Several consultations were held in the software development process in the reporting period
2. Purchase of sensor monitors and necessary equipment; initiation of the project.
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Sensor monitors and necessary equipment have been procured
November 2018
March 2019
November 2018
March 2019
Partner Organization
Partner LEPLs operating under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Hall
Sensor monitors and all necessary equipment have not been procured in the reporting period
3 Public informing about the platform
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Public is ifnormed about the platform
March 2019
June 2019
March 2019
June 2019
Partner Organization
Partner LEPLs operating under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Hall
No activities aimed at informing of general public about the platform were conducted in the reporting period
4. Survey/voting process administration, organizing focus groups, accountability
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
At least 3 polls / voting and at least 3 focus groups, in which the total number of participants is on average 5,000 users are conducted
April 2019
August 2019
April 2019
August 2019
Partner Organization
Partner LEPLs operating under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia
Lead Agency
LEPL - Public Service Hall
No focus groups or surveys/voting have taken place in the reporting period
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