A high-level advisory body of the Government on open government issues was established
Following the Government decision and taking into account the recommendations of NGOs and international organizations involved in the OGP - Georgia process, the first Open Government High-level Inter-Agency Coordination Council was established. Deputy Ministers and heads of NGOs involved in the process will be the members of the high-level advisory body. Actors of legislative and judiciary branches of Government, international organizations, and interested municipal bodies will take part in the Council's activities.
In 2013-2019, the Ministry of Justice of Georgia was in the lead of the OGP process. A number of tangible results were achieved in this period including the chairmanship of Georgia in 2017-2018 and hosting the fifth OGP Global Summit in Tbilisi.
Since April 2019 the process has been coordinated nationally and internationally by the Administration of the Government of Georgia. A high-level advisory body was established under the leadership of the Administration, within which the civil sector will have an opportunity to solicit the immediate decision-makers for many issues of their interest related to open governance.
In the process of elaboration of a new OGP coordination model, the Administration actively cooperated with the OGP Support Unit.
According to the Statute of the newly established Council:
- The method of decision-making on open governance issues is clearly defined, which provides equal rights to actors of government agencies and nongovernmental sector;
- The authority of the leadership of the Council is divided between the two co-chairs, one of them being the representative of the government agency and the other – of the non-governmental sector;
- Government agencies have an obligation to address the recommendations of the civil society in the process of laying out the agenda of open governance with reasoned arguments.
The changes to be implemented were presented by the Head of Administration, Natia Mezvrishvili at the meeting of the OGP Georgia Forum held in December 2019.
OGP was established in September 2011 by the initiative of the Presidents of the US and Brazil and is aimed at the advance of transparency, accountability, and efficiency. Georgia was one of the first countries to join OGP in 2011.
The Administration of the Government of Georgia has been coordinating OGP Georgia nationally and internationally since the spring of 2019. In April 2019 Georgia was elected as a member of the Steering Committee for a 3-year term. The Government of Georgia is represented in the Steering Committee by the Head of Administration of the Government of Georgia.

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